Go to 'Leaflets'. Download our #Christmas #Carols, some with words to highlight how to save our NHS
We use this website to help get our message out to the people who matter.
That's everyone who uses the NHS, loves the NHS and needs the NHS.
It is for all of us to make sure the NHS is about people and not profit.
***The government is seeking your views on how we can make a health service fit for the future***
Submit your response here

The NHS is experiencing the most serious crisis since its formation in 1948
We believe that every individual has the right to quality health care, regardless of their ability to pay. Since our founding, we have been working tirelessly to protect our NHS from those who seek to profit off of the health of our communities. Join us in our fight to keep our NHS public and accessible to all!
Bristol Protect our NHS (PoNHS) was founded in 2012
to defend the NHS from the privatisation of health care.
The campaign group is not linked to any political party.
Protect our NHS meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday each month at 7.15pm via Zoom. All are welcome.
If you are interested then contact us at info@protect-our-nhs.org.uk to obtain Zoom meeting ID & password.
Notice of meetings are posted via Facebook and Twitter.